Saturday, October 2, 2010

Virtual Worlds: Virtue or Vice?

You decide! Here's something to consider.

So I was talking with a co-worker of mine who loves Second Life (SL). She was explaining how interesting it is and how it allows people to use their talents: design, creativity, etc. She also said that on a business level, something like SL could be useful because various people throughout the large corporation could meet up in SL and have a virtual meeting, discussing important business as though they were in person. That's pretty cool. With a global community full of various services and goods, I can see the value in that. I can also see value in people using SL and other such social media as an outlet -- an escape from reality similar to going to the movies or watching sports live or on TV. 

Having said this, I want to post two articles that discuss SL and it's dangers. I referred to these in a previous post, discussing virtual marriage and the possible legal implications involved, but I highly recommend you read them. One is a WSJ article  Is This Man Cheating on His Wife?  The other is a transcript of a speech from a church leader to young adults ages 18-30, Things as they Really Are. While the latter article is aimed at that specific audience, I would say that the information is true for all: while digital media (social or otherwise) can be good and add depth to life, if used improperly or to extremes, such media can be dangerous and take control of our lives. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that there can certainly be values and uses through online gaming. Tanya does a great job of analyzing this in her paper. Anything we use in excess can certainly negatively impact our lives, even those things that are considered healthy. Due to the fact so many people do enjoy games, I think this is something we should tap into.
